elizabeth-admin – Page 112 – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will get quite excited when you arrange to see someone that you that you have not seen for a long time. Singles will meet someone who is very fond of music. You will think about going to have some lessons that involve a computer. A friend will tell you about a good job that is coming available that would suit you. Those in good relationships will see their relationship going to the next level.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about going self- employed or even making some extra cash in some way. It looks like a partner will try and get you to do some decorating this weekend. However you will long for a bit of time for yourself and may be a film or a good book to relax with!! Singles will contemplate travelling quite a way to meet someone that they really like. Long-term relationships will plan a romantic weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A happy family outing will put you all in a good mood, and you will decide to go for a holiday that will not be too far away. A friend will try and persuade you to go to a holiday camp of some sort, but you will be a bit reluctant and try and fob her off for the time being. You will think about having a new car and decide to have a good look round before deciding, much to the annoyance of a partner, who will be raring to go and purchase as soon as possible.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
There is a busy weekend ahead with unexpected visitors making it even busier. You will organise a party or event of some sort that will include you sorting out some food. A trip abroad will relax you and give you some ideas where work is concerned. A colleague is a bit jealous of you and it really will not have registered with you until a situation occurs at work.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A trip into the countryside will re-charge your batteries. It seems that your finances are going to move for the better and enable you to buy something for your home that you have had your eye on. However you will have to spend some time this weekend de-cluttering. You will be pleased when you receive an invite to a birthday party. A friend will drag you off for a day of retail therapy, you won’t need much dragging by the way.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be a bit annoyed with a partner as they can see that you obviously need a hand and they are just ignoring you. However may be they are just oblivious to your needs as they are concentrating on something of their own. So perhaps a sharp word will bring them back to earth and they will see that you need their help!! Just a storm in a tea- cup, as they say. A weekend break will bring everything back into focus.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be expected to carry on with something although you had taken it on originally as a favour. It is time to speak up if you don’t want to carry on with it. An unexpected cash amount will have you feeling very pleased with yourself. Singles will seriously consider finishing a recent relationship. However an exciting holiday affair is on the horizon! A friend will help you out in some way as a thank you from the past.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will organise a weekend or short break and wish that you had asked one particular person to go with you. May be it is not too late? Some good news is coming for you through the post soon. You will feel that someone at work is taking you for granted and decide to put them straight. You will order some new make up or toiletries that you have not tried before. You will be invited to an afternoon tea or may be a picnic?



June 21st – July 22nd
You will feel that there is a change going on in your relationship between you and a close friend and it will bother you. You can always try asking your friend if they feel the same is happening to them in order to try and sort it out. Sometimes relationships just run a course and peter out with no blame on either side. You will sort some photographs out much to the amusement of others close to you.