Scorpio – 17th April to 23rd April – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will run out of patience at work as you have been waiting for some time. It seems that you will need to speak to someone about it before you erupt, after all it is not fair and you need to have your say. The chance to book a really good holiday is on the horizon, it looks a very good deal and you will not be able to resist it. You will be invited to a family meal and you will find that there will be a bit of a celebration to.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel pressured work wise and get a bit snappy with a colleague. However you will realize that things are looking better when you take a good overall look at things, which will put you in a better mood. Make sure that you follow a parcel that you have ordered as it could go astray. You will have to put something right that goes wrong with something of a technical nature.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will need a refresher or to study something in order to get what you want on the job front. It should not be a problem though you have the ability just concentrate persist and be patient and you will get there. A silly disagreement with a loved one could escalate if you are not careful, may be one of you is just tired and irritable, just stand back if you can. You will not be able to resist a holiday that is on offer.



June 21st – July 22nd
It is possible to go self- employed for those who have really cost it out and got the right connections to. Especially anything connected with the Internet looks good, if you are looking long term, however it will be slowly, slowly not quick cash I am afraid. A break is coming for you out of the blue, bit it will recharge your batteries. A romantic night out this weekend will put you in a good mood.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Just when you had organised a nice relaxing weekend for yourself, someone will want to change it for you. You will put your foot down, as you really need to recharge your batteries. You will try and get someone else to do a job that really needs doing in your home, something that you just do not want to do. You will be rather surprised when a loved one gets quite romantic for a change.



May 21st - June 20th
If you are looking to change your job or even your career it looks like the opportunity will soon present itself. Romance seems to be wavering a bit and you will need to have a good heart to heart to get it back on track. Singles will hear from an old flame, but do you really want all that hassle back? The finances are looking better and a small cash win will make you feel good.



April 20th – May 20th
You will want to celebrate something but it means spending a little money, however a partner will try and talk you out of it. You will decide to bring one room in your home up to date, you will feel that it is getting a bit tired and worn in places. A child will bring you a small gift and you will feel quite emotional about it. Singles will decide to have a quiet night in with a book this weekend.



March 21st - April 19th
You will feel a bit stupid when you realize that someone who you thought had done something that you did not approve of was actually innocence on all charges!! You will organize a break away in another country but you will not be on your own. You will be attracted to someone who looks a little Mediterranean but try and resist them. The finances will tick over ok but you will be tempted to put some into a get rich scheme that someone will tell you about,



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be a bit nonplussed when an old flame will want to meet up. May be a good thing to do would look at why you separated, because if the issues have not been resolved that caused the break then it will not work, as the same thing will happen again. Why wake up old wounds? The bank balance will begin to look very healthy. You will make a new friend and find that you have such a lot in common.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A house move seems to be taking ages but have patience it will go through at the end off the day. The finances will be a lot better due a bit of a cash injection that you had not foreseen. You will be given some tickets and be over the moon about them. A run of good luck will put you in a very good mood and make you realize that it is possible to get something that you really want.