Virgo – 24th April to 30th April – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A friend will try and persuade you to go on a Spa weekend with them, it would do you the world of good. Work will calm down after a bit of a trying time. You will think about going on a cruise and look at what is on offer, try not to book the first one you are interested in, as there will be a great deal on offer for you if you wait a little while. A romantic weekend is coming for long-term relationships this weekend.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about updating something in your home and you will find that it will cost a lot more than you thought it would. A partner or close friend will be a bit irritable with you and you will get really annoyed with them. However try and keep calm as an apology and explanation will follow. Try and find time to chill out this weekend and read a nice book to re-charge your batteries.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think about buying a painting, picture or something that you can put on a plain wall to make it look more interesting. You will think about getting a financial loan to purchase something that you really want. However it may be wise to think again and may be differ it for a while. You will sort out a huge amount of photographs so that they will be available to others.



May 21st - June 20th
You will think about paying for some kind of beauty therapy. However it would be an advantage to you if you got quotes from a couple of different places. You will need to de-clutter this weekend to get everything in the room so that it looks good, it might be difficult parting with things. May be put your stuff in a garage or store in a shed first, before parting with it, to charity or selling.



April 20th – May 20th
You will think about changing a vehicle but a partner will think otherwise and try and talk you out of it. Some good news is coming work wise and you will get quite excited about it. It looks like a good holiday deal is coming your way, but you will have to act quite quickly if you want to get it. You will put something up for sale and it does look like you will get more for it than you thought you would.



March 21st - April 19th
Things are beginning to look up with your social life and a new friend will bring a lot of happiness for you. You will have a retail therapy day with a friend, as you will need a completely new outfit for a special event that is coming up. It seems that you have a secret admirer and you will soon find out who they are. The finances will tick over but keep a close eye on it.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will think about arranging to meet someone this weekend that you have been communicating with for some time. Those house hunting will see something that looks very interesting but not be quite sure if it is the one as something will emerge that was not at first obvious. The finances will improve soon but keep a close eye on things and try not to impulse buy. Romance is in the air for singles who are visiting a gym.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Just when you thought that you could look forward to a lazy weekend all sorts start to happen that will need your attention. You will look at a holiday where it is definitely hot and has a beautiful sea. A lack of communication between you will result in you having to cancel a meeting off some sort. New relationships move up a level this weekend and those waiting for an apology will actually get one!



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that a colleague is being very critical and unreasonable and feel a bit helpless about it. However it does look like you need to speak to someone in authority who will help you sort things out. Good news on the romantic front this weekend and a small present from a loved one will put you in a good mood. Someone that you know will ask you to help them arrange an event.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will feel that try as you might someone is just not satisfied and that you will begin to feel helpless about your next move. It seems a chat with someone who you can trust will help a lot. The finances look quite static for a while, at least they are not decreasing. News about a job will be very encouraging and give you something to aim for. Singles be prepared to have a very good night out this weekend.