Cancer – 1st May to 7th May – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think about embarking on some kind of course that will benefit your career in the future. A friend will try and persuade you to join a gym and to get you to do some extra exercises. A partner will seem a bit distant at times and it does look like a good chat is in order to clear the atmosphere. You will think about changing a vehicle and have a good look round before deciding.



May 21st - June 20th
News from overseas will be very interesting and as a result you will make exciting plans. A friend will suggest that you go on a coach break with her and it will look quite tempting. Unexpected cash will bump up the bank balance and put you in a very good mood. You will think about joining a club or group of some sort after a friend has given it the thumbs up. Good news is coming over a partners job.



April 20th – May 20th
An unexpected wedding will have you off for a retail day to get that must have outfit. Good news from one family member will have you wanting to celebrate. Singles will meet someone whom they have been communicating with for some time in a fancy café. An official document will need to be seen by a professional person. It is time to de-clutter that wardrobe this weekend.



March 21st - April 19th
A friend will try and rush you into going on a holiday with them but for some reason you will be a bit hesitant. Eyebrows will be raised when someone announces an engagement and several people will question whether it will actually end in a marriage. You will see a long-term project or financial situation at last coming to an end. 



Feb 19th – March 20th
A new partner will have a surprise for you this weekend. Singles will have a good night out with friends and bump into an old flame who will seem to want to renew the relationship. Established relationships are set to have a romantic night out this weekend for a change. Which will set the mood for the weekend. A small win with a ticket will put a smile on your face. You will hear of an engagement, which will be a bit of a surprise.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about changing your job but worry that you might not be happy in a new job. However you might be a lot happier in a new job and you can always move on there is nothing to say that you have to stay anywhere indefinitely. Sometimes we have to take chances and they do often pay off. A partner will be rather affectionate this weekend, which will put you in a romantic mood.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be delighted when an old friend makes contact and you arrange to meet for a catch up. A partner will produce some surprise tickets and you will really look forward to going to the venue even though it will be at such short notice. A gathering of family members will go well, and it will put you on a better footing than the past, which will make you feel happier.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will plan a holiday this weekend and you will not go alone and it will be in another country, you will really look forward to it. The finances will look more promising in the next week or two but still keep a careful eye on your budget. Good news is also coming on the work front, which will cheer you up. A couple of chores need to be done before you can chill out this weekend.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will have to re calculate your finances if you want to buy that special something. A partner will try and persuade you to go on a holiday to a destination that you are really not keen on. Singles will start a romance where a meeting is near a church. You will organize a trip on a train. Work will be very busy and you will need to chill out at weekends to re-charge your batteries,



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will put into place an idea that you have to earn some extra cash. You will look at a mirror or painting to put on a wall to complete a look in one particular room. Your partner will show their romantic side this weekend and you might even get some flowers! You will splash out on one item of clothing that you have had your eye on for a while and you will get a few compliments.