Aquarius – 8th May to 14th May – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will wonder why a friend is being so distant and try and find out from others if they know anything. Time will give you the reason, which you will find rather puzzling. You will visit someone elderly and help them in some way. The chance to change your job will appear out of the blue but you will have to act quickly if you want it. Get ready for a romantic weekend, it could be chocolates and flowers, which will put you in a good mood and make you, feel closer to your partner.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will realize that you cannot wait any longer for some reason and will just have to change your car. However this will not go down very well with someone else, they obviously will not approve. A trip to a garden centre this weekend will have you buying stuff to perk up the garden. A small cash win with a ticket will put a smile on your face. Good news from another country will have you making plans to visit in the near future, in order to celebrate with them.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will need to assert yourself at work but dread the thought of it. May be it would help to confide in a colleague. You will plan a holiday abroad and it will be somewhere that you have always wanted to go to. New relationships will be a bit rocky this weekend and you may even have second thoughts about whether to carry on with it. The finances will tick over and then steadily improve. You will take a trip out this weekend to by some accessories for one room in particular.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be a bit upset by a fall out that you have had with a friend and you will not know how to make it up. You will not know whether to text e-mail or phone or go and see them. May be give it a little time to settle then decide. Singles on holiday will have the opportunity to have a bit of a fling, which will boost the confidence! It is time to give that wardrobe a good clear out so that you can put all your nice new stuff in where you can see it, instead of everything squashed up.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that you are not getting anywhere where a job is concerned, however things are happening that you are not aware of and you will soon see some results. A partner will be very affectionate and you will feel closer than ever before. A family get together will see one or two people being irritable with each other and you will wonder what is going on. The finances will improve slowly and you will decide to save up for a holiday that you want.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It looks like you will have to sort out your home for some event that is coming up. However it does look like it is all very busy and rushed so it might help to start planning well before you intended to save getting too stressed. You will be surprised by something you are shown that is retrieved from an attic. Romance is in the air in a most unlikely way, for those being single for a long time, a chance meeting will turn into a relationship that could be long term.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Some good news about a friends wedding will cheer you up. You will be a bit concerned about someone close to you who seem very restless and appear to want to move and change their job. They do not know what they really want at all at the moment. However one thing is clear and that is they are not happy in their life as it is. You will give them moral support. Your finances are set to have a bit of a boost. You will be happy with a document that you receive shortly.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think seriously about retraining or changing your job in some way, before it is too late as you will feel that what you are doing is not fulfilling you and that you could achieve more in life. Some will have the chance to work in another country and it will be somewhere where the weather is lovely. You will keep thinking about some clothes that you have seen that you really like that you have been trying to resist buying, however you will finally give in and buy them.



May 21st - June 20th
A family outing will go very well this weekend and what is more you will realize that it will not have cost too much either! Double check travel arrangements at the last minute as it will save you quite a lot of stress. You will buy something that needs to be assembled once you receive it, which will make someone a bit disgruntled! You will decide to go for a beauty routine that is a bit pricy; well you deserve it as a treat! You will make a cake as a surprise for someone close to you.



April 20th – May 20th
You will help a friend or family member to move house and find that you have taken on more than you realized, but you will be glad at the end of the day that you have helped out. The finances will take a bit of balancing but help is coming from an unexpected area which will be a bit of relief. You really need to get some of those chores done this weekend before you can chill out but one thing after another will seem to get in the way.