Libra – 22nd May to 28th May – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will have an eye on a new car that you would like to buy but it will take a bit of persuading and bargaining before a partner agrees with you. It looks like some work needs to be done on your home, but it would be a good idea if you get a few quotes as they could really vary in price. The finances look set to improve and as a result you will book a really good meal for you and your partner. You will be pleased with work and feel that you are getting somewhere at last.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be really pleased when you get some really cheap plane tickets, and as a result will have to alter some plans but it will be worth it. You will think about trying a special diet in order to lose a few pounds quickly. You will be surprised when you receive an invite to a wedding. New relationships will move to the next level this weekend. A friend will try and persuade you to try a new hairstyle but you will be a bit nervous about it. You can always grow it out if you don’t like it!!



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased when you get some tickets to an event that you want to go to. A partner will be awkward when they realize that there is something that you want to do on your own. May be they are jealous and worried that you don’t want them with you because you don’t care enough, which of course is not the case, you just want to do your own thing. What is more stick to your guns and don’t be emotionally blackmailed by anyone. Singles will receive a text from an old flame.



June 21st – July 22nd
A colleague will tell you about a job that is coming up that you will be very interested in and might go for. You will book an interesting holiday that will be on a special offer and is quite a bargain, however it looks like it will be quite a while away. So you will have a lot of time to plan and look forward to it!! A partner will be annoyed with you, and accuse you of something that you are completely innocent of. You can expect an apology and a lot of attention when they realize this.



May 21st - June 20th
You will think about sending someone some flowers but you will wonder whether it would be the right thing to do. You will look at your finances with a view to paying something financial off completely, and weigh up whether it is worth it, or if you should leave it for a while. A family celebration is coming up with quite a lot of you having a get together. A romantic weekend is coming up for long-term relationships.



April 20th – May 20th
You will put yourself out for others and begin to feel a bit tired with it all, it is about time you took a back seat and let others do their bit. Be careful with finances, although they look good you may well have an impulsive to spend more than necessary and regret it later. You will seem to focus on buying clothes in particular and have a holiday in mind when thinking of buying them. An unexpected visitor will cheer you up.



March 21st - April 19th
It seems that you are going to be so busy in the next few weeks that you will not know whether you are coming or going. However someone will not appreciate this and demand more of your time than you can spare. A friend will confide in you about problems in their personal life and you will be pleased when you together find a solution for them, you will know that you have helped which will give you a lift to.



Feb 19th – March 20th
A friend will insist that you accompany them to some kind of event, relax you may well enjoy it a lot more than you think that you would. You will start to save up for some kind of luxury item that you want to buy for your home and the good news is, that you will buy it a lot quicker than you thought that you would. Someone will shower you with compliments about some recent events, which will really boost your confidence.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A few friends will invite you to go on a holiday with them. However it will clash with something else that you have in mind so you will have to do a bit of shuffling with your arrangements to get both in. You will think about doing some kind of training that could well lead you to having a professional qualification. Some legal document will need to be sorted out by a professional and there could well be delays where plans are concerned.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel a bit fed up with work and feel that you are really being taken for granted. However a reorganisation will soon take place and you will find that things are a lot better for you. You will take a trip round some lovely gardens this weekend or may be even a garden centre as well. You will be tempted to overspend so look carefully at your budget before you do, or you will regret it if you don’t.