Aries – 12th June to 18th June – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



March 21st - April 19th
Your social life is about to get even better. Singles will find them selves being very popular and have the choice between two offers from two great people!! Just go with the flow, go with your gut feeling when you choose which direction to take. You will think about buying some kind of gadget that you have heard is very good, but have been hanging on to see if it is true what you have heard about it, as you do not want to waste your money.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased when you get an invite for a Saturday night out with a group of friends. You will bump into an old flame, who will seem to be very interested in you again. However think carefully before re-connecting, as there does seem to be more to things than meets the eye. Maybe try and connect with your gut feeling on this one, you don’t want to go through what you went through before again. Your social life is set to improve and you will make a new friend.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that a friend has been disloyal in some way and tackle them about it. You will feel let down and disappointed with them. A partner will suggest a holiday in a caravan or in a tent or a combination of both. You won’t be really interested, but they will be so excited and persuade you until you finally agree. You will be delighted when you get an invite to a barbeque, and you will look forward to seeing someone there.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A child that you know will want to go into politics or maybe the law as a career, and you will try and put them on the right path. Singles will decide to just go out with friends this weekend. Some will think about going self- employed, maybe baby steps at first, or even keep one job and start slowly and build up. It will take time to get going and need a lot of work and patience. Those in long-term relationships will go out this weekend for an amazing meal.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A couple will suggest that you and your partner go on a holiday together. However you will have reservations and not be quite sure about it. So if your gut feeling is not right then don’t do it, your gut feeling is usually right and a lot of people ignore it and regret things later. The finances will soon pick up which will make you very happy. Singles will find that someone with a brilliant sense of humour is coming into their life.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will get excited about the prospect of seeing someone that you have not seen for a while. However at the last minute a friend or someone that you know will tell you something that will dampen your excitement in some way. Think about what they have told you and the reason why, is it genuine concern for you, or do you think that they are jealous and trying to spoil it for you? Maybe keep an open mind. You will need to sort out something connected with water in your home this weekend.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that someone is trying to rip you off in a financial way and you will ask them, in a direct way to explain themselves. You will think about spending some money on your garden to make it look more attractive. You will be especially interested in a seating area. You will decide to spend some money on some holiday clothes, but you will have to watch that impulse buying or you may regret it later. A partner will be rather affectionate this weekend and will buy you a little present.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about buying a property and look around for the sort of thing that you have in mind. However it will take quite a lot more time than you thought to find your ideal, so the message is be patient. Others will look at lighting in there home or maybe even in their garden, with the thought of splashing out to make it look really good and different. Singles will lose heart over one person whom they have been texting for a while, however don’t despair there is someone a lot nicer on the horizon.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will have an invite to some kind of event where you will feel that it is necessary to have a decent outfit. So you will hotfoot out with a friend for a retail day to buy that must have outfit that will wow everybody. A family member will be a bit annoying and you will realise that the best thing to do will be ignore them, rather than an in depth discussion that won’t change anything anyway. Maybe it has happened before?? A small cash amount out of the blue will please you.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will decide to go on a blind date that a friend has organised, although you originally had not intended to go. A trip out with a friend where there is beautiful scenery will go down very well and perk up your spirits. You will look at wallpaper and accessories for a room, with the intention of changing one particular room in your home. New relationships will go well this weekend and may well move up a level.