Aquarius – 12th June to 18th June – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
There is a possibility of a lovely holiday where a small boat would be included. You will have to strike while the iron is hot to get the deal. Singles will meet someone new at a trendy wine bar, however they will realise after talking with them for some time that they have met the person before. You will wonder if you are in the right job and you will have a long discussion about it with a loved one. There is a romantic night out for those in long- term relationships this weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will think about buying a property and you will look at the prices in the area that you are interested in. You will think about going self- employed but a partner will try and talk you out of it, even though they think it would go ok eventually. May be better to start small and gradually build up rather than take a chance with a lot of money. Singles will be pleased when they hear through the grape vine that an ex is interested in what they are doing.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will need to pay someone that you owe money to, but have a bit of a problem with it. It might be a good idea to get some advice about this, before you pay more than you need. New relationships seem to go really well this weekend and a romantic evening is forecast for you. A friend will ask you to go on a short holiday with them, but you will worry about offending someone else if you do. Life is too short to worry, so go on your gut feeling on this one.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Friends will want you to join them in a holiday in a different country, you will have to change some plans if you want to go. The finances will soon look up much to your relief. You will consider having a new pet but hesitate, as a partner is not too sure about it. A problem with a car will soon have to be sorted out; it is better not to leave it even if you think it is not really serious. Singles will be pleased when they receive a text from someone that they thought was not interested in them.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that someone fairly close to you is being a bit unreasonable, and you will point it out to them. A bit of unexpected cash is coming to you out of the blue. You will think about doing some different exercises at a gym with the help of a trainer. You will have an aim in mind and keep at it till you achieve it. A partner will give you the silent treatment and you will not have a clue why! Singles will have a fleeting affair when on a holiday break.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about changing career to go into health care, medicine or something along those lines. However someone will try and put you off, so you will have to think again about what you really want. Your gut feeling should tell you. A phrase comes to mind “persuade a man against his will, he has the same opinion still” Think about it. The finances will tick over nicely as long as you keep an eye on it.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about taking on some part time work that you can do at home on a computer. You will be reluctant to find some child- care for some reason, although you will really need it. You will get someone to do some decorating that you just cannot do, and be pleased and pleasantly by the price. You will need to buy some particular clothing for something that you are going to do, maybe walking boots or running gear etc.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will plan a family holiday that everybody will approve of. Singles will meet someone new this weekend, but there seems to be a secret admirer also waiting their chance too. You will decide to have a de-cluttering of one of your wardrobes this weekend and you will be surprised by what you find lurking there! You will think about changing your job for some time, before you actually confide in anyone about it.



May 21st - June 20th
You will think about taking a river cruise and it will be somewhere that you have always wanted to go to. You will think about learning another language and look at the costs involved if you did. You will decide to do a bit of a spring-clean this weekend and find something that you thought you had lost. However someone will try and persuade you to leave it and have a night out with them in stead. So you will have to be strong if you want to complete it.



April 20th – May 20th
You will think about going on a cruise as you have spotted such a good deal, or you will have to do now is to convince your partner and then you will be away!! You will be delighted when you are invited to a wedding. However you will need to get that to die for outfit, and of course you will want to go on a diet to lose a few extra pounds for the special day. A small win of cash will be out of the blue and very well received.