Taurus – 2nd December to 8th December – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
You are in the perfect position to make positive changes in your workplace. The green light is on so market your ideas to the people that matter. The target audience is the most important aspect of this, get them on side and that’s half of the battle won already. If you’re in a relationship, don’t forget the simple act of affection is important to keep the fires burning.

March 21st - April 19th
If you are considering kicking some unhealthy habits then start now – don’t wait until January! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t achieve complete success straight away, just keep your vision in mind. A work project is going to take a lot of input from you to make it successful. Keep an admirer at arms length until they prove they are worthy of your love.