Pisces – 28th October to 3rd November – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
Sometimes it is easier to write your feelings down rather than speak about them, Pisces. Try journalling to get your thoughts out and remember no one else is going to read it so be honest with yourself. Connecting with a colleague will help you work through a project so make time to get together outside of work. The number 9 is lucky this week.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Seek advice on money making strategies and follow it carefully. Don’t go into an investment blindly, gather as much information as possible before committing your hard earned cash. For those in a relationship you will find that things are calmer and happier after a heart to heart. Track down an old friend to help you seek clarity on something that has been bothering you for years!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A stimulating conversation will have you look at someone with fresh eyes – a possible love match, Capricorn? Treat your home to some cosy extras to make your time relaxing more comfortable. Being well rested is important so look at your routine and get some early nights where you can. A new addition to your friendship group is going to bring out your fun side.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Sometimes, being spontaneous turns out to be a lot of fun so go with the flow this week and accept invitations you would usually turn down. Impulsive spending habits need to be kept in check before you do some financial damage. Make a bold move in the workplace as it will pay off – sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It’s important to be able to communicate how you feel effectively, Scorpio. Blurting things out in anger and frustration will never achieve the outcome that you want so work on your communication skills. You may be called upon to take on extra responsibility at work, which is great, but make sure that you are paid accordingly if it lasts longer than expected. Number 8 is lucky for you this week.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
At work, there is something in the pipeline for you, Libra. It will become clear towards the end of the week what it is. If you’ve been thinking of getting a pet then do you research to ensure you use an ethical provider. If you’re single, someone that you’ve met before will get in touch after asking a mutual friend for your contact details. The fact that they are romantically interested in you will come as a complete surprise!

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Focus on ways you can reconnect with your significant other, Virgo. It’s isn’t all roses and champagne, day to day life is boring and repetitive so think about something to liven up the mid week slump. If you’re single then a chance meeting in an eating place will leave you feeling flustered – try to remember to discreetly ask for some way of contacting them – maybe connect on social media first?

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Are you feeling that your needs are being unmet, Leo? If so, you need to make yourself a priority for once. Speak to family members about concerns you have for an elderly relative and see if you can come up with a plan to alleviate loneliness. Plan a trip where you will get to be in nature, even in the colder months it can be a rejuvenating experience, just wrap up warm!

June 21st – July 22nd
Do you find your work fulfilling, Cancer? If not it is a good time to put the feelers out to see what is out there. It seems it is time to move on as you’ve achieved all that you can in your current role. An opportunity to make a little bit of money on the side is tempting but is it too good to be true? The mindset of a loved one is troubling you, open the lines of communication as many times as you need to as they may be reluctant to talk.

May 21st - June 20th
Showing your manager your desire to learn will carve the way for a promotion. Put your best foot forward and communicate your ideas as they will be well received. If your to-do list is getting out of hand then delegate – you don’t have to do everything yourself. Double check the time of an important appointment else you may be late!