Aquarius – 3rd June to 9th June – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Keep your patience with a family member, Aquarius. They don’t understand how blinkered they are and need help to figure things out. You may look to extend or change your home environment and you should do a lot of research first as it could become a legal matter if it’s not done correctly. An old flame is thinking about you and will try to get in touch electronically.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will seek guidance from a respected colleague and this will open up a dialogue about moving to a different sector. Once you think about it in more depth you will come to realise it would be a great idea! Enter that competition you’ve been thinking about, only good will come from it. Take a little trip down memory lane with an older relative, it will make their day.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Your reputation means everything to you and so it should. Someone will attempt to press your buttons in the workplace. Just rise above it and don’t get involved with a ‘he said, she said’ scenario. A relationship issue can be ironed out by talking openly about your hopes and needs. Encourage your partner to do the same, too.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
An auction is going to go in your way, Scorpio and you will be thrilled with your purchase. Ensure you deal with any related admin immediately to negate any delays. Relationships are tricky at the best of times, however, this week it may feel impossible. Stick with it, don’t bail out and you will find that you learn and grow together.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Responsibilities are grinding you down, Libra. You must prioritise the important tasks and deal with them, but let the insignificant ones go for now. Your reputation for being a hard worker is growing momentum and an offer of advancement is nearly within reach. Have a good tidy up and donate old clothes and items that you no longer need.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Try not to be influenced by what you see online, Virgo. Most of it is ‘smoke and mirrors’ and simply not true. An amazing opportunity to travel will present itself – the question is whether you will put yourself first for once? Finances are looking more settled and you should loosen the reigns a little.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A family member will offer unwanted advice, Leo but you know deep down it comes from a place of love. A colleague is wondering if you are single! It would be a good idea to make sure your social media reflects your status so as to avoid any confusion. A colleague will announce their departure and you will consider applying for their role – go for it!

June 21st – July 22nd
It’s never too late for education, Cancer. Don’t let your age be a barrier to learning new skills and improving your lot in life. Go for it! An old flame is thinking about making contact and will approach a mutual friend. Be mindful of a colleague that is struggling. A discreet offer of help will pave the way to a firm friendship.

May 21st - June 20th
Look at senior individuals in the workplace to help you with a project or difficult task, Gemini. Their experience is valuable and once approached they will be more than happy to help. A difficult patch financially is coming to an end and it is a good time to start looking at your budget and take it more seriously.

April 20th – May 20th
Don’t put off your to-do list, Taurus. There are important admin tasks that you need to take care of or else you may find yourself in a spot of bother financially. There is a potential love interest that you’ve only spoken to online, be brave and arrange to meet up, it will go much better than you think.