Pisces – 1st July to 7th July – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
This week you will have a surge of excitement around a new start, Pisces. It could be that you are about to be promoted or embarking on a new love affair, either way it will be a great time for you. Your finances will improve and you can be optimistic about booking that long awaited holiday. Good times are ahead!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You are finding planning a trip difficult but don’t give up, others are relying on you and without your input it will fall apart. A change in management will ruffle feathers but you will find it beneficial. There is a new chapter about to unfold with an old love. Selling a loved item online will bring in more than you expect.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You have a lot on your plate this week, Capricorn. Try to deal with the most pressing items first and you may find that the others resolve themselves as time goes on. Responsibilities will play heavily on your mind and it would be a good idea to delegate where you can – the more you do the more people will expect!

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You shouldn’t be afraid to dream big, Saggi. Why shouldn’t you achieve your dreams? What is holding you back? Self confidence is the culprit and you must work on it. You may be worried about a change in your working environment but this will be short lived. Your creativity will be at an all time high so get some paintbrushes and go wild.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You have worked hard to overcome certain considered imperfections, however, no one is perfect nor should you want to be. Feel courageous in the skin that you are in and just see what you are able to achieve! Things will settle down in your home life and you will find yourself having time to enjoy your hobbies or tackle a task that you’ve been putting off.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will find yourself evaluating not only your friendships but your relationship, too. Libra, you must trust your instincts around a person that you feel doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Spoiler alert – they don’t and the sooner you realise this the better. An opportunity to study should be considered carefully, especially the financial impact.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will find work challenging this week, Virgo. Get your head down and stay out of the chats that are circulating about a colleague. You need to focus on your progression and getting embroiled with childish gossip won’t get you where you want to be. You will feel much more settled at home after a period of living within a tense atmosphere.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There will be a shift within your relationship, making things a little more exciting, Leo. Your inner adventurer will crave a different landscape and you can make it happen with a bit of planning. Keep on top of your work this week before it becomes unmanageable. An old friend will try to make contact via a mutual acquaintance.

June 21st – July 22nd
You can and will accomplish a lot this week, Cancer. Focus on the most important tasks first and the rest will fall into place. You will reflect back on an old relationship and see things for what they really were and realise with hindsight you made the right decision. This will give you peace of mind, finally.

May 21st - June 20th
You should listen to your heart, Gemini. Being patient isn’t one of your strong points but it is vital you don’t try to rush a relationship to the next stage. You won’t receive the reaction that you hope for. A colleague is creating tension, and they will get called out on their behaviour soon. A home move will gather momentum.