Virgo – 17th October to 23rd October – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will speak with someone in another country and make arrangements to visit them. An invite to a wedding will be a bit of a surprise for you. An old friend from your past will contact you out of the blue. A group of friends that you know will want to arrange a Christmas do or party of some kind and want you to be involved. Some old photographs that emerge will show some surprises.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be annoyed when a taxi looks like it is going to be late, don’t leave it too long before you check up on it. A parcel will arrive at the wrong time in spite of you arranging it. The finances will improve, and a little unexpected cash will please you. A friend will want a catch up and will fill you in with the latest gossip about people that you know. You will wonder whether to give someone a present or not.

June 21st – July 22nd
A trip to the theatre seems to be on the cards and for the lucky may be included into a weekend away too. It looks like a bit of decorating is necessary and there will be rather more disruption getting it done than you thought. Singles will be surprised by how much you have in common with a new love interest. A new diet will go well but don’t give up too soon or you could be back where you started.

May 21st - June 20th
You will not be too sure about work and career and have seconds thoughts about what you are doing workwise this weekend. It would not hurt to look what is on offer if you did want to change direction. You will be invited to dinner and offer to make a delicious desert, which will be graciously accepted. You will think about buying an electric over blanket to save you money and keep you warm.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be annoyed with a partner who will go ahead with something in spite of the fact that you don’t want to go ahead with it and have made your feelings known. You will create a new budget and menus and be very pleased the way it goes. A friendly neighbour will give you the latest best seller of your favourite author and you will not be able to put it down. Singles are in for a treat this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
You will not be able to believe the run of good luck that is happening to you. However, it will continue for a while yet. You will feel your mood rising and generally feel happier in yourself. However, there will be pressure from someone close to you that you will feel irritable with at times. A new partner will surprise you this weekend. You will feel that someone is taking you for granted where the finances are concerned.

The answer is a definite yes!!!


To save you heart ache in the future.

When you meet someone new and you really like him or her it is always a plus if you know someone who knows him or her or a bit about them.

Then you can have a friendly chat and find out more about them and whether they have a history that you cannot cope with.

If you don’t know anyone that knows them then you can always check out the media face book etc. If there is nothing about them in that area then may be you can speak to one of their friends or family.

Even a friendly bar man where they may visit regularly may enlighten you.

If none of these work for you then you will have to be very careful.

Many men and women target a new partner for their particular needs. They tend to overwhelm you at first sending continuous texts and phone calls sometimes gifts and flowers as well.

After three months there could be a dramatic change.

Often that is when the cracks start to appear.

The idea is to draw you in and maybe move in with you if they can.

Be very suspicious if someone new asks for money early on in the relationship, whether it is a lone or any excuse to do with finances.

It is a well-known red flag that you are being targeted and used.

So be very alert with anyone new that you meet who has no family or friends even if they come up with a plausible story. It is often a sign that they have left an unpleasant situation behind.

It is always best to be careful if there are a string of relationships behind them.

If a previous partner of your new interest contacts you and tells you horrible things about them it could be they are just jealous, or there could be truth in what they say. So it would not hurt you to keep an open mind and if possible do some digging about your new partner.

With Google you can now see where people have lived and where they work.

Just taking a few diplomatic enquires could save you heartache in the future.

Of course it would also help to have a romantic reading with one of our experienced psychics.

Feb 19th – March 20th
There is a pleasant surprise for you when some unexpected money arrives. You will ask a friend to go with you to choose an outfit that you will need for a special occasion. It looks like someone is going to give you some nice chocolates maybe it’s an apology?? You will think about joining some kind of group it does not look there and many people in it. A surprise announcement is coming soon about a baby

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
It looks like you are going to get a quiet relaxing weekend something that you have been craving for, for a while. Singles will be surprised by how well they get on with someone new. However, there will be one persistent ex that just cannot take the hint and you will have to be really firm so that you can get rid of them for good. You will be pleased when you receive an invite to a party.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
There is a happy weekend ahead with lots of people around you. Those wanting to work with children will be successful. It looks like you will be deciding a situation where you will be using some wood. Singles will be surprised by how well they get on with someone new. You will arrange a short break to chill out and recharge your batteries. An electrical problem will need to be sorted out soon.