Elizabeth Rose – Psychic Readings and Mediums Online
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The UK’s Most Trusted Psychic Readers For Over 21 Years 

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Thank you beautiful louise for explaining and helping my massive confusion from another reader on here.
You made me relax helped me to understand what was going on.
You’ve been seeing this situation fir a couple of years and my only regret is being impatient and getting another reader to look at it.
Lesson learned stick with the reader you connect with who stays consistent.
Thank you sweetheart 💓

– Amanda

She said I would get a job offer, I did, she described the woman who offered to a tee, she was right. I think she is the real deal and ER is very lucky to have her, she’s lovely too, not at all telly-offy like some of them are. Glad I got through to her

– Amy

Jennifer Ruth you were right that angels give us little messages.
I followed their guidance and relocated my camera.
I feel so much better for not seeing my neighbour.

I give 5 stars thank you.

– Hannah

Luke was honestly amazing! He knew straight away I had a new beginning and issues with the partner I hope to rekindle with. I didn’t even need to tell him much! My phone line cut but I will be back for sure! Thank you so much. The best phone reading I have ever had.

– JA

I have had two readings with McKenna on relationship. She nailed the dynamics, personality of the person and myself perfectly. It was like she knew both of us personally and has a deep understanding of human nature and life / relationship and the rhythm of life. Highly highly recommended if you can catch her !

– T

Omg what a reading that was with Michelle, she was blunt, direct but kind with it . I really enjoyed talking to you. She gave me so much hope, guidance, great advice and some confidence to keep positive. Thanks for being honest I appreciate the truth. Wow. Speak soon x ❤

– Elaine


Spring Offer – £32 for 20 mins. No discounts for Sarah, Lara or Elizabeth Rose

Special Offer – £41 for 30 mins (Saturday and Sunday only). Offer excludes Elizabeth Rose

Healing Crystals Collaboration with Moon 11 Underwear – moon11bodywear.com

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Experienced Psychic/Mediums required. Immediate Start. Good Rates of Pay. Please call 01623 792474 to apply.

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“Large enough to cope, small enough to care”

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Simply text the word Rose to 78887

£1.50 per reply, maximum of 3 replies per msg sent. Standard network charges apply for msgs sent. 18+.
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Elizabeth Rose Psychics have been providing professional and trusted telephone psychic readings for over two decades. Our success lies in the quality of our excellent psychics, mediums and clairvoyants and their ability to connect on all levels. We are proud to offer some of the best psychics and mediums in the industry – most of our psychic readers have worked with us for many years.

Our dedicated reception team are experienced, friendly and only too happy to help you. They know the individual psychic readers and their abilities and can help choose a suitable psychic reader for you.

Simply call us or click the button below and book a telephone reading with one of our fantastic psychics today.

Experienced Psychic Mediums required. Immediate Start and Good Rates of Pay 

Please call 01623 792474 to apply.

Welcome to Elizabeth Rose, Your Trusted Online Psychic Website

At Elizabeth Rose, we are very proud to be one of the leading British psychic websites, offering trusted online psychic readings to clients across the UK. With over 20 years of experience, we connect you to professional psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants who provide insightful guidance on a variety of topics. Whether you are seeking clarity, reassurance, or advice, our psychic readers are here to help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

Comprehensive Psychic, Mediumship, and Clairvoyant Readings

Our team of skilled psychic readers specialises in delivering professional and compassionate psychic readings over the telephone. Each psychic reading is tailored to your unique needs, covering topics such as relationships, career, health, and family. For those seeking connections with the spiritual realm, our trusted mediums provide real and authentic mediumship readings, offering comfort and closure. Our clairvoyants use their abilities in clairvoyance to uncover the insights you need to make informed decisions about your future.

SMS/Text A Psychic Reader

If you prefer a quick and discreet option, you can text a psychic using our SMS/Text service. Simply text ‘ROSE’ followed by your question, problem, or worry to ‘78887’. £1.50 per reply, maximum of 3 replies per msg sent. You will receive a personalised psychic reading via text. This service is available to our clients aged 18 and over at a cost of £1.50 per message received, plus standard network charges. Each reply includes a maximum of three messages. 

Online Tarot Card Readings

At Elizabeth Rose, we also offer tarot card readings, performed by skilled tarot advisors. Tarot readings are available over the phone or via our SMS Text service, providing you with flexible options to uncover deeper insights into your life path. Our tarot card readings are perfect for those looking to explore themes of destiny, relationships, or personal growth.

Subjects Our Readers Cover

Our online psychic advisors provide guidance on a wide range of subjects. Whether you are seeking clarity on business decisions, navigating career changes, or working through relationship challenges, we are here to help. We offer support to clients from all walks of life, including members of the LGBTQ+ community, individuals coping with heartache or divorce, and those exploring their sexuality. Whatever your concern, our psychic readers provide compassionate and non-judgmental advice.

Stay Informed with Weekly Horoscopes

Stay up to date with us by visiting our website for weekly horoscopes. These forecasts offer insights into the week ahead, helping you align your plans with the energies of the stars. Whether you’re looking for guidance in love, career, or personal well-being, our horoscopes provide a helpful perspective.

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Take the first step toward clarity and confidence by calling our trusted psychic readers for a professional psychic reading. At Elizabeth Rose, we are here to provide the guidance you need, whenever you need it to help you navigate the complexities of your life.



As a compassionate and empathetic reader, Dawn specialises in helping individuals navigate the complexities of love, relationships, and personal growth. With a strong intuitive connection, she can tap into the energies surrounding your romantic connections, friendships, and family dynamics to provide insightful guidance and clarity. With a natural gift for fortune telling, Dawn can help you uncover hidden patterns and trends that may be influencing your present and future. Her readings are designed to empower you with the knowledge and wisdom needed to make informed decisions, avoiding potential pitfalls and embracing opportunities for growth and success. As we embark on this journey together, Dawn will use her psychic abilities to tap into the cosmos, unveiling glimpses of whats to come. Whether youre seeking answers about a specific relationship, wondering about your soulmate, or looking for guidance on your lifes purpose, Dawns here to offer a supportive and non-judgmental space for you to explore your deepest concerns and desires.

Credit Card Psychic Readings

UK & N.I
01623 625745 (Pay over the phone by Credit Card)
+44 1623 625745 (Pay over the phone by Credit Card)

20 minute reading at £35.50/€42.00 or 30 minute reading a £46.50/€63.00.

Premium Phone Line

UK & N.I
0906 5000 639 Calls cost £1.55 per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.
1580 411 161 Calls cost €2.40/min from Eircom landlines, other networks may cost more, Service ProviderEircom UK

Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th If you are lacking in energy and feeling lethargic then don't fret - this will pass soon. The rest of the week will see you planning nights out and trips with friends. A colleague will gravitate towards you but you may not feel comfortable with how they make you feel. They will soon lose the intensity so try not to make them feel too much of a burden.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th Your bond with a special someone will deepen this week, Pisces. You will feel yourself opening up more and more and this in turn will allow them to do the same. A workplace document needs reading carefully else you may get the wrong end of the stick! Keep an eye on the finances, those little spends add up.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th Embrace a spontaneous date with friends or a loved one, it will do you the world of good. Getting out of the funk you've found yourself in is top priority! Look at ways you can make your free time more productive, sitting in front of a screen won't lead to much, will it? A plan to change careers will begin to form in your head.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th If your self esteem is flagging, then do something about it. Only you can make the changes required for you to feel better about yourself and the world you live in. This might sound harsh but some tough love is needed right now! Towards the end of the week, you will find yourself wondering if you could have made an old relationship work - the answer is no, it would never have made you happy in the long term.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th You will find a renewed energy around your health and fitness goals, and it will make you realise that you can achieve them, given time. Don't dig your heels in with a loved one, they honestly think they are doing the right thing so maybe explore that with them and gently offer alternatives.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th Romance and personal happiness is abundant this week, Pisces. Enjoy the attention and peace of mind instead of worrying when it will all go wrong. For once, know that you are appreciated and valued for the right reasons and it isn't conditional. This time is to be enjoyed so take your time in each moment to savour the feelings stirring inside of you.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th If you've been thinking about your own quality of life, then all you need to do is look around you and realise so many aren't as fortunate as you. Don't put value on objects or things as in reality, they bring little to your life. Find joy in the simple actions of day-to-day life and you will feel the benefit almost immediately. Take a peek at your bank statements, they really aren't as bad as you feared.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th A hobby is gaining momentum, and you should look into the possibility of this earning a little extra income for you. If your energy levels are low, consider taking some light exercise, it will make you feel more awake and invigorated and more able to deal with whatever it is that lands at your feet. A special moment will be shared with the unlikeliest of love matches.
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th Your sense of duty is overwhelming, Pisces. Look at alternative ways you can help that doesn't take up too much of your time. Seek professional advice if necessary as you simply can't continue as you are. Add more social time to your calendar this week and enjoy the company of others, it's not good to spend so much time in your own head!
Pisces Sign


Feb 19th – March 20th As the new year begins your energy will be looking backwards to the year just gone. It's not wise to dwell on the things that haven't quite gone to plan, instead find ways to make them happen this year. A new position is yours for the taking if you find the courage to apply - what's stopping you? There's much to discover if you only take yourself out of your comfort zone - so, what are you waiting for?